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RAT Nomogram for Semi-automated Sequence Stratigraphy

Seismic sequence stratigraphy contains a set of manually or automated horizons, which need calibration. The calibration is generally done by taking the simple measurements from logs and assigning them to a fixed event on seismic. Such an event is generally labelled as a horizon. Since each seismic horizon can be treated as a timelines, going back to Peter Vail's assertion, one can establish a linear time scale and assign it to a set of seismic horizons. In addition to this, we also have relative time units such as geochronologic (Jurassic, Cretacous, Tertiary). So, we are dealing with three time scales to be calibrated: An arbitrary time series established by counting seismic horizons, either manually mapped or automatically extracted. Geochronologic units Absolute time scale. To construct a time scale, that matches all time series, one really need to implement or draw a nomogram as proposed by Qayyum et al. (2017). It may look like this: Tripple nature...
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Spatial Limitation of Sequence Stratigraphic Units

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Stratigraphic Base Level Revisited in Deep-water Settings

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Coupled Transgressive - Regressive Systems

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Maximum Regressive Surface (MRS)

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Maximum Flooding Surface

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Tribute to Harry E. Wheeler

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